Take a Resident to Lunch

Take a Resident to Lunch

Thank you for supporting “Take a Resident to Lunch!”

The money Mountain Shadows Foundation raises supports special extra activities that enrich our residents' development, spirits and general well-being. With many of our residents reliant on the meager $55 a month SSI provides for all their “extras” your support is desperately needed.

Lunch is a fun outing that allows our residents to get out in the community and socialize with their friends. A simple activity that can easily be taken for granted.

Your generosity can make a HUGE difference in making these outings possible.

Lunch for One, or Participants' Choice of Activity or Special Item- $25
Lunch for Three, or Participants' Choice - $75
Lunch for Three, plus MSSG staff , or Participants' Choice - $100
Lunch or Participants' Choice for 18 - $450
Other donation amount: Any amount makes a difference!